“Stubbs and The” is a multi genre theatrical musical experience.
A group of five hooligans performing high energy eclectic music in over 10 different languages and stylings. Hailing from the small mountain town of Rossland, BC, Stubbs and The have taken their ridiculously
entertaining live shows to every corner of Canada as part of their 2023 Canadian Summer Tour. They are driven to push the limits of what you like in music with elements that mix silliness with genuine authenticity. There are no rules; Stubbs and The want to show you what explorative music can sound like!
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5dYH2w1FlXwEhIEwK6pGag
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWWIbynkCAU
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stubbsandthe/
Bandcamp: https://stubbsandthe.bandcamp.com/
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